Monday, February 14, 2011

Walking Stick With Chair Singapore

flood of images

Aloha! Right now I have little time to hear me leave. I come to almost nothing. 'm Really up to my ears, on Thursday is also the duty of all of the practical tasks.
also pisses me mitlerweile my layout again so much. The header is okey. But somehow it's a bit tiring to read the Scriptures. Will not you too?

Anyway, I start right away even with pictures .. : D

Sun Now it is already re-pack your bags and go. Go to my Schatzi.
It is Valentines Day, hey. :) But I see him for no more the rest of the week. So the weekend again, klaro. Unfortunately, he has his week - again - pretty packed.
Tuesday / Thursday -> Hand Ball, Wed / Fri -> colleague + gym. You can apply it to calculate, where is there time left for me. But he needs this I mean the sport. Doing it - I think - very good.

So then my sweet, makes jut. \u0026lt;3

PS My birthday gifts I will be you also seen. Once I have time. And of course, also tell how the day expired so!
promise! :-)


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