autumn outing
Today was a complete surprise but once a day for an outing in the R4. Again lots of friendly people who were happy about Marie wave, laugh, or tell a story had.
In Bielenberg at the same result was a rare photo of Marie and me. Very nice and slow over the extra trip on the Störfähre "Else" from Beidenfleth. The ferryman took extra slowly so that I could take some photos. And who was waiting on the other side? A Renault 5, and now have become rare. Who
from Hamburg makes a trip across town by the luck with his Elbmarsch Odltimer: the Störführe deserves a visit, the trip is 2,50 EUR and affordable. And if you approach the people, there is also a story to tell, there is then first talk to an end before the next crossing follows. Driving is on demand.