After 40 years, boasting he has made it really true - his dream to go to Sicily. But he did something different from others. Hermann Staiger, in the wine village in Nierstein Rhainland-Pfalz as the "Palermo Hermann known, took the tractor - a 22-year-old Massey-Ferguson.
videos Palermo Hermanns trip can be found, for example on YouTube.
With 75 hp and a trailer at the trailer axle, it was a total of ten weeks to arrive. Through Germany, across the Alps and Italy led him through his 5,000 km journey. By the way, to speak without a word of Italian.
Ever since the documentary series "ARD only" the story and the journey of Hermann Staiger on television in prime time broadcast, he is the best known Niersteiner.
whether Rome or Naples, Messina and Catania, everywhere he was accompanied by a television team, which documented his unusual journey.
that attract so much attention, he would learn so much admiration, that he had never expected
. Wherever he arrived, met the people -
nice, helpful and hospitable.
course on the trip also Niersteiner wine from our own vineyard was there at the end of the way, almost nothing was left ...
- The estate of Palermo Hermann:
- search for videos on YouTube Palermo-Hermann