In imponderables I always think of the woman with long blond hair in the winter garden, the last mistress of William Messerschmidt and Adolf Hitler. "
the bottle of hair tonic Messerschmidt, who had given me his daughter was, even before 20 years to break. I now have a bald head has nothing to do with the hair tonic by Willi Messerschmidt. I have never used.
his ashtray one is. The unfortunately got five years in the Black Villa damage but is repairable. Not all imponderables kitten can be as easy as the ashtray from the desk of William Messerschmidt.
If he now rumdreht still in his grave in Bamberg, is not due to the loss of these two objects, but the fact that he had been first buried in Munich, which corresponded to his wish, then ausbuddelte and in the family grave which according to Raulino Bamberg transported over what is actually, according to his daughter absolutely the last was what William Messerschmidt wanted in this world. There
a concrete context, but not with the imponderable, blond hair, his beloved, Messerschmidt and Hitler, and yet there are similarities and overlapping relationships as well. This would certainly be beyond the scope here, I really wanted to show all these things and enumerate.
distribute meantime, the individual events now over a century. Kaiser Wilhelm II played a role.
I personally was only the last 30 years, sometimes more, sometimes less involved. Time participant, observer, yes, and now perhaps the chronicler. Of course Kaiser Wilhelm II thought not to Messerschmidt's ashtray, he ennobled the last time a German family.
concerned with safety, Kaiser Wilhelm II with hair tonic. It was from the same manufacturer as the hair tonic of Messerschmidt. And I broke the bottle was a big heavy bottle of 1910, which was filled up again and again. In this respect, even a loss.
And yet there are all of the above imponderables a context, a seemingly larger and more inclusive and suggesting. This is not contradictory, but the area is, in which contradictory dissolves and even opened a new dimension.
not just new dimension, Special views of a much larger whole, yes, am back to the divine. This view only because of the hair tonic, as far-fetched would be an erroneous conclusion.
imponderables I love the same as human fates.
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