There are regions in the world, there will be vintage tractors, not only for tractors meetings or light work brought out - there they are vital for whole families and villages. For example, for us Fathi his family in the village of Beit Omar in Palestine. There is an oak-type 3712 of 1977 in daily use. Dramatic loss of oil (2 liters per day) and chronic lack of spare parts threatened the livelihood of the family. Until the Black Forest Eicher's friends started a great relief.
Fathi lost because of financial difficulties his work at a club. To feed his family, his only nor his modest Agriculture: 20 acres for growing cucumbers, 30 ar for Obsttbäume, 35 for 40 for tomatoes and grapes. He has 5 sons and 5 daughters live by them, with 3 still at home. The sale price for the fruit has crashed since the start of the second intifada in 2002. 5 years ago, a producer sold his plums for the equivalent of a brief € per kilo, now they are not even 15 cents.
Eicher friends using the Black Forest
Fathi Eicher 3712 type A, built in 1977, is in poor condition. Money for maintenance, he has little. Spare parts are expensive and heavy. During a visit begins Alain, a friend from France, to start looking for parts and money. Not so easy. Back in Europe he sold homemade Weihnachsgebäck at the Strasbourg Christmas market and finance restored old furniture to the relief operation. When he
after several failed attempts on the Internet to find information about the brand, "Eicher" does, he finds the association "Eicherfeunde Black Forest ". There be explained Albert and Norbert Pfaff help Fechtig spontaneously agreed. In just two months, all the parts together and can be picked up in Neustadt am Schluchsee are - we of course whether the good cause for the Friendship Award. Far beyond all expectations, there is now an almost new top of the engine, cylinder, cylinder heads, gaskets ...
That was just the beginning of a great adventure ...
Because at the Tel Aviv airport, every single tourist subjected to an infinite poll. Where are you going? To whom? Why? It is impossible to admit that they wanted to Palestine. Impossible, therefore, there to present with 50 kg of engine spare parts for a tractor. The volunteers then decided to send by air freight. We even find a last-minute Israeli his address as the recipient provides. The tweaks but as it then comes to customs clearance. Alain now has no choice, even to Tel Aviv to drive the parts to make and receive. He finds an Arab-Israeli taxi driver who is willing to drive it for 450 shekels (90 €) from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv and then from the airport to the village of Beit Ommar. It is only the beginning of a totally unreal adventure. Kafka could not describe it better.
cargo offices at Airports are never easy - not even in Tel Aviv. The formalities begin registering with a society that takes care of the delivery.
"The package has arrived. Represented 24 € (in addition to the 400 paid in France €)After two hours of waiting, the package is opened in the presence of four tax collectors. Each part, to the smallest seal, will be unpacked and its application it must be demonstrated. Fortunately, the Eicher's friends exercise care and detailed list of parts and a manual enclosed. After 20 minutes, the board again, and the person responsible for sending a mysterious "Good Luck" to Alain across.
Fill out this form, it costs 18 €, if you can not in Hebrew, ask over at the office ".
"I can complete it for you but you cost 30 € (from those € be the moment of signature 50)
"Follow me to the customs office .... "
Are you sure that this is tug, and not dealing with car parts? Prove to me that are not customs fees the same. You have to pay € 249 duties."
"Take a seat, your packages will be retrieved and opened in your presence ..."
It takes a whole week the package from the clutches of the airport to ship and liberate the village. The joy of Fathi and the whole family is huge. The mechanic will be invited on the same day the parts to inspect it. But first he packs them carefully again. He wants to install only towards the end of harvest. No one wants to risk the high season turn screws on the tractor.
Eicher stronghold in the West Bank
Alain is once again affected by the passion for Eicher tractor. An old man even claims, in the village there is more than the entire rest of the West Bank. The first tractor was a Zetor in 1967. He belonged to the village chief. Eicher tractors are popular for their robustness, ease of handling and the narrow track. The fact that replacement parts hard to find and extremely expensive, are forcing the owners to everyone's satisfaction but often for sale. New brands such as SAME and FIAT gain the upper hand on economic grounds.
About Eicher Friends Black Forest:

Here's quite nice metal signs from Eicher and other brands:
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