I still very well remember the time when Westerwelle as chancellor candidate of the FDP up lies, went with his fun car on the campaign trail with the 18% campaign for general amusement, even in intellectual circles and the media provided. As he was
Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister, it seemed as thought the first time held its breath and all who have previously laughed yet, benevolent and curious to see how he would do then.
There was some speculation about how it would be if, during a state visit, would take his companions. On the evening of the election victory saw him, his head lovingly pressed to Westerwelle chest and both beamed with happiness with a glass of champagne in hand. It may indeed be.
Probably the first interview as foreign minister was even then legendary: We are in Germany, we speak German! A polite host Westerwelle probably is not. But those were just journalists.
The first foreign visit of our Foreign Minister, certified this press yes, then a quite passable appearance. Has he really done it all his first visit? Or is he still wants to be Chancellor? In Poland, he was
and since there were some woman in Germany who wanted to do their job and did not like the Poles. Westerwelle this woman is yes, then got rid of. The question of whether his action was reasonable or not was probably never really discussed. I would have liked it better when we had proven the fact of our sovereignty.
Today he is so for social justice in our country and make work pay and he wants a debate about our welfare state. So not so happy as Foreign Minister, Mr Westerwelle?
Ah yes, the polls were disastrous for the FDP and it is also still chairman of the party.
For weeks now neo-liberalism has a face: The hard, relentless, determined and unmoved by Guido Westerwelle! Now this is not fun and Westerwelle is no joke. It has been discussed for weeks.
But all those who try Westerwelle and now his followers, something sensible and factual counter, it should be noted is concern, dismay and, ultimately, a degree of speechlessness.
Talk of Ursula von der Leyen in parliament seemed like a desperate attempt to reason with a stubborn child.
distances Merkel to the child but does away the hammer, it shatters the porcelain. Pour the media metered malice, but also hold otherwise fairly covered. And the political cabaret wonder, after they have Westerwelle ridiculed what this man really thinks.
Why should think Westerwelle today in the intellectual sense? This he has done in the past few years before. He has for years always remained the same, which never moved, who has never brought about a significant change, who never had a vision. Charismatic qualities he seemed to be completely missing as well as other intellectual skills that would be necessary, perhaps a due to lead policy debate, which is geared to the challenges of our society.
thinking? Why should he. He is good at fun from his perspective. He is a populist: principally the voting figures, the main thing is different.
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