this morning shocked me even now my long-time Traffic Antin. Oh, I admit, it is quite an interesting woman, not pretty, not ugly, somewhere between forty and fifty, a generous woman and very nice and they took over this place two years ago and upgraded. Maybe you look a little harried stems from the financial worries so an expensive shop renovation can sometimes cause. Although I think their sales they make, even if I do not think much is left of cigarettes, newspapers and the lottery. In general, the first time the big draw from the cream.
you gave me at times a lighter in the week, but what they seemed lately to do now somewhat reluctantly, almost with a gnashing of teeth. In this respect I felt today that is called once again to buy a lighter for sale, especially since she declared to have no more matches. Of course, I always asked for free advertising matches or lighters. I've been a good customer.
The last Lighters however, were good for nothing at all. still half filled with gas, they failed their duty.
So I asked myself today, if would have complained because no one, because of this apparent failure and cheap production. She said no, and in view of the planned investment of me today, I asked for information regarding their coverage for the lighter. It cost sixty cents. As a day laborer I expect every cent. If there is a break down after the half, I wanted to be able to exchange it.
looked somewhat annoyed at me and said, I would probably the other lighters, it has given me, want to exchange!
I have to say, I am shocked that my Traffic Antin thinks about me and I shall hold a vicious, fraudulent act capable. To avoid this scam now, I asked them to mark that lighter, in the event that the sixty cents was not worth .... In order to make
unmistakably clear: I like my Traffic Antin. I also like other people. Few, but still. And always amazes me what these people think so and talk.
way: I either smoke a cigarette or two boxes of them a day.
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